Nicholas follows one week behind his sweet wife at turning the big 30. 30 is a huge step. It means you are officially on your way to getting old. :) Nick is an amazing person. His strong determination and hard work at juggling medical school and a young family are an inspiration to everyone. I don't know how he does it- I could barely take care of myself through dental school- Corey had to fend for himself! Nick has a great sense of humor, which is part of his charisma that has always drawn others easily to him. He has always been a natural leader. When he was running for 7th grade class president, he came to me early in the day very worried because he had forgotten his speech at home. I don't even remember what he said in front of 400 students at the assembly, but it didn't matter, because he won by a landslide. I know he will be a wonderful physician that will easily trust due to his calm and comforting manner.
He loves his children more than anything, and is a loving father to them. We all hope your 30th year is your best yet, Nick!