Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nicholas' Turn

Nicholas follows one week behind his sweet wife at turning the big 30. 30 is a huge step. It means you are officially on your way to getting old. :) Nick is an amazing person. His strong determination and hard work at juggling medical school and a young family are an inspiration to everyone. I don't know how he does it- I could barely take care of myself through dental school- Corey had to fend for himself! Nick has a great sense of humor, which is part of his charisma that has always drawn others easily to him. He has always been a natural leader. When he was running for 7th grade class president, he came to me early in the day very worried because he had forgotten his speech at home. I don't even remember what he said in front of 400 students at the assembly, but it didn't matter, because he won by a landslide. I know he will be a wonderful physician that will easily trust due to his calm and comforting manner.
He loves his children more than anything, and is a loving father to them. We all hope your 30th year is your best yet, Nick!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Meadow Turns the BIG 30!!

Meadow couldn't be more Alexander without having actually been born into our family, (but that would be kind of gross!). We are so glad that Nick found this missing link, because she belongs with us! We are so honored to have such a talented, amazing addition to our clan. She cooks better than Rachel Ray, she dances better that Brittney Spears, she sings better than Celine Dion, her mothering skills surpass the Supernanny, she's the spiritual equivalent of Sheri Dew, and she's hotter than Cindy Crawford- what doesn't this woman do? She is so fun-loving, has assisted in producing the world's cutest kids, and has selflessly helped support her husband through the travails of medical school. Meadow, we love and adore you. Thank you so much for being a part of our crazy clan!