Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Clan Plans!!!

YAY!! The goose is getting fat!!! (As in, Christmas is coming...) So here are the plans for the holidays so far: Wednesday the 22nd of December, all the adults will be going to the Savior of the World production at the Conference center in SLC. I think we should get together for a nice dinner together beforehand, too, and make time to enjoy the lights on Temple Square. It shouldn't be terribly crowded since it's a weeknight. We'll figure out what we'll do with the chillins later. It's gonna be AWESOME though!!
And I fulfilled my lifelong dream (not really) of purchasing Nativity costumes for what will now be our annual pageant. There are 5 animals and some robes for wisemen, angels, Mary, etc. I guess I'm Mary this year (this goose is getting fat, too!).:) We're going to have fun adding some embellishments and headpieces for the presenataion, but it is also going to be AWESOME!!! I am planning on doing this program sometime Christmas Eve (at Nick and Meadow's or possibly Tessa's?), but we will have to coordinate so that it works with everyone's plan. (like the Terry's). Just get all your last-minute errands done EARLY so we can relax and have a nice dinner and program by 6pm on Christmas Eve, and Santa Noel wil be really nice to you all.:)

I think a great tradition to start would be for each family to do at least one musical presentation for the program, also. You are all so talented, and hearing your beautiful voices, etc., is better than any other gift I can imagine. We could also sing to the Grandparents if we get the chance to see them, and they would LOVE it. Oooohh- Tessa has these bells...and our primary is doing a program with ringing the bells to a few carols..I'll see if I can get the "recipe" for the bell carols. It sounds really cool and the kids would love it!

And then whatever for Christmas morning. Corey and Z and I will probably be staying at the Partridges, so we can meet up, or whatever.

So for the rotation, here is who has who this year. And I think we all understand that none of us are millionaires quite yet, so please don't be stressed about spending much. Just don't let us see you in new $100 jeans you bought yourself after you gave us a crummy fruitcake! JK, but you know. :)

Noelle and Corey--Missy and Adam
Nick and Meadow--Mikey
Natalie and Ryan--Noelle and Corey
Missy and Adam--Nick and Meadow
Mike--Nat and Ryan
Corey and I will be going to Idaho sometime later that week to spend New Year's with his family, and we fly out on the 3rd.

Can't wait to see you all!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lovers' Birthdays

Since I can't ever get ahold of these two, I decided to post these cute photos of them to celebrate their October birthdays, just one week apart. We are so blessed to have you both in our family! We love Nick's fun-loving, caring personality. He can always make us laugh with his his clever, witty commentaries. His vast supply of medical knowledge has also helped every member of our family in einstance or another. And Meadow's creative plethora of talents from sewing to cooking to entertaining to mothering make us all a little jealous at times. We are so lucky to have her in our family to share her wealth of talents with us.

We love you both so much and hope you have happy birthdays!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Alexander Reunion 2010

The festivities began with Tressa's baptism and Faith's blessing, both performed by Nick. We were all honored that we could be present for this special event. The words uttered carried strength and power. We are so gratful for these two special girls in our family, and for their father who loves them so and set such a great example.
We had such a great time at the condos near Park City splashing and swimming and cooking and feasting. Thanks again, Mom and Dad, for the great time here. It was a fun and relaxing break for us all.

Zach and Bono, two little cuddlebugs! It was so cute that they both fell asleep this way!

Max proved himself to be quite the climber. Watch out Adam and Missy!
Bono loved to splash!
Faith is trying out to be in the band Kiss, I believe!
Grandma Nettie and all eight grandchildren. Can you believe over half of them have joined us in the last 18 months?!

So next year we are planning another one for either the last week of April/first week of May, or the end of August/beginning of September. I'm thinking the later one will be better since everyone will be out of school by then. But let me know so we can get it on the caledar and it doesn't have to be a last minute event. Also, should we stay local again or head elsewhere? Let's start planning it now so no one misses out (we all missed Mike terribly!!!) and we can be better organized. It was so great to see you all again.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tressa Lou Who

I know I have been slacking on this blog lately. I think I went one year with posting for everyone's birthday, and haven't gotten around to it again this year, but I couldn't pass up this landmark birthday for our Sweet Tressa. She turns 8 today!! I cannot believe it! She was the first member of the next generation of Alexanders, and we were all so excited to have her enter our family! She has always been a special, sweet, beautiful little angel in our family, and we are so excited for her to be baptized and continue on her happy journey in this life.
We love you Tressie Girl!! Happy Birthday, Princess!