So today marks 4 weeks. Weird. It feels like I was just in labor yesterday. I think Zachary likes to commemorate his entrance into the world by being wide awake every Tuesday morning at 4am. He wants to relive the experience, or just remind us of when he came, or something. That's what pictures and journals are for, son. He still has sleep struggles. Last night he slept from 1am-4am. That was nice. He's starting to smile more and more, which is a joy. It makes those late nights worth it. He is super strong and always trying to lift his head and upper body. I think he'll follow in his cousin Katie's footsteps and be doing sit-ups by 9 months (or was it 7?).
Another fun thing he does is sleep with his arms sticking straight out in the air, like Superman about to take flight. I can barely hold my arms out for 30 seconds before they are too tired to stay up. I guess it's easier when they only weigh a few ounces each!
Corey had 4 days off this weekend and spent every moment with Zach while I was able to rest and run errands. I was gone for several hours a few times, and I missed the baby fiercely. I read this magazine article about a mom going back to work after her baby was born, and I almost cried. I'm sure there will be more tears to come in that arena. . . I now feel so bad for hustling Corey out the door back to work when Zach was only a couple of days old. Corey was fighting it, but didn't have enough paid leave to take much time off. It is mean that hardly anyone offers paid maternity/paternity leave. I would be happy to pay a few more tax dollars to ensure that all new parents each received at least one week of paid leave following their child's birth. It is vital to their emotional and physical well-being. In Canada and much of Europe, parents are given from 6-12 months off paid after a baby's birth. They pay a ton in taxes, but at least it is an aim to helping society. Okay, I'm off my political soapbox. Happy 4 weeks, Baby!
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